Dear Email Family,
My apologies for this email going out to everyone on the list. I’m not trying to spam everyone. I’m still getting used to a few of the new tools Substack makes available, and one is the “Free Preview.” I did not mean to have that turned on for this post. My apologies.
Also, please forgive the “Intro,” which was held over from last week. I forgot to update it. Boy, some days things just fall apart on you. I do apologize. I do, however, hope this new little post series will encourage and inspire your day.
All the best,
The Word
A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.
—Eccl. 4:12
The Thought
Wolves are my favourite animal. Why?
Because they’re fierce, strong, intelligent, loyal, mysterious and they love and take care of their own.
When my younger brother Jon and I were in our twenties, we loved this saying: “Wolf, my brother.”
For all its weirdness, what it basically meant was, “I love you—like a wolf loves its pack.” It meant that we’d do anything for each other, that we had each other’s backs, and that we’d fight for each other when times were hard.