"Our lives bear witness to what reigns in our hearts...." That is...convicting! Thank you for this invitation to "silence and settle".

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Thank you for sharing, Sarah. This has been God’s invitation to me of late.

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Everytime I've read this (on Instagram or here), it's been a deep exhale and sigh of settling into the arms of the Father and just shushing my mind and soul. A reminder I come back to, again and again.

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This morning I told someone I I felt "settledness", maybe peace, over a chaotic situation. I can only say there's nothing more satisfying. Thank you for the confirmation. And Back, ah, yes!

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Agreed, on the satisfying aspect. 🙌

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Love this Tim. Thanks for the reminder that whatever is in our hearts (peace/chaos) is what we will express to the world.

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Isn’t it so great to think on. To Sarah’s point, it’s been convicting and inviting to me—to have peace reign.

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Such a good reminder — thank you. And I love Psalm 8.

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Yes, I do too! 🥰

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