This reminds be of CS Lewis’s quote “ we do not want merely to see beauty, though God knows, even that is bounty enough we want some thing else which can hardly be put into words to be united with the beauty we see to pass into it to receive it into ourselves to bathe it to become part of it”

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I’ve been thinking of this concept recently as it relates to the beauty of kindness. I had a conversation with a (well meaning) coworker who was warning me about being too generous in being kind to other coworkers, particularly in the ways I’d call them “Friend” or having too much of an open door policy. I’ve been prayerfully considering what it means to practice the beauty of abundant kindness towards others and rejecting the notion of becoming calloused or brusque in speech with the people that we interact with everyday. Yes, workplaces are filled with sinful people (I’m one of the biggest ones there!) and people will gossip and perhaps say unkind things behind others backs. But what if we practiced beautiful kindness instead with our words, consequences be damned? 🤍

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