really enjoyed this essay! Will be discussing the movie with my 17 year old tonight. And I need to find that book Bad Therapy!

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Feel free to post any highlights of your conversation with your 17 year old. :) Those are always such good discussions. And yes, definitely check out Bad Therapy!

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I will! I have also grabbed a copy of the book Bad Therapy in my shopping cart as I type:)

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LOL. Boom. So great! Maybe I should have some kind of forum or an open Q/A zoom session about that book. Hmmmm.

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Oh yes I am sure people would sign up for that. I actually asked Krys Boyd of THINK if she had read it and perhaps she could interview the author on her show! She always has the most amazing books on NPR!

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I will play with that idea. I think it'd be super fun and interesting.

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I have a similar reflection about Joy on Inside Out. She must discover more about who she is. That she is not just a fleeting feeling of amusement or excitement. Joy is so much deeper, especially when anchored to our Christian beliefs. I have written a more detailed review on Patheos https://www.patheos.com/blogs/beloved/2024/06/inside-out-2-review-the-showdown-between-anxiety-and-joy/

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Love this, Joceyln. I'm eager to read your piece. Thank you for sharing!

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Thank you also, Timothy!

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Jun 26Liked by Timothy Willard

Loved everything about this AND I am so glad you brought up “Bad Therapy” because that book (to me) is necessary for every modern parent to read. It said all the things I rail about but far more precisely and eloquently! The one redeeming line of Inside Out 2 was that, after ALLLL that focus on emotions, Anxiety wisely says to Joy, “we don’t get to determine who Riley is” (slight paraphrase). As my kids can recite, “emotions don’t get to sit at the head of the table” 😂

Glad the film (sort of?) figured that out. Ha! We thoroughly enjoyed the film for what it was, and in our home that includes a film that gives us great discussion afterwards! You must be so proud of your daughter’s insight and reason and wisdom!!

(And UP is 1000000% their Magnum Opus. One of my most favorite films ever. ❤️)

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Jessica, jiving with you here on all points. I'm super proud of my girls and their wisdom when it comes to this stuff. For years I've prodded and prompted them to ask questions about what they read and watch. I will have to post about how the girls responded to a recent arts gathering I spoke at. I was floored by their wisdom and insight and how they critiqued good and bad art.

And yes, it was an enjoyable movie for sure. My 11 year old loved it, but also said she just likes the cute fun things about it. Lyric was like a razor :) And yes, we love discussing the movies. I'm about to watch Dune 2 with my older daughters. I'll have to post about our conversations.

With you on UP! For sure!

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Jun 26Liked by Timothy Willard

We have not watched ANY of the Dune films! I don’t know how that’s possible, we love going to the movies, but I’m so excited that you will be doing more and more cultural engagement in these areas, including movie reviews.

And wow, maybe you and the girls should do a roundtable discussion centered around your recent arts gathering- that would be something! And a possible project for the future… in which your family authors a guide on how to evaluate art in all its forms… some of us (like me) might feel very solid evaluating one art form, and yet less confident in another, esp if it’s an area we don’t possess personal talent (like me and drawing 😂). It’s a hazy idea, but few people could help the rest of us better than the Chief Beauty Chaser and his beautiful family!

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The Dune films are incredible works. But also very heavy on thematics. They are literally forming up to be the Tolkien movies of this generation, in my opinion.

I LOVE your idea about a round table discussion. And, we are actually thinking about such a guide! That's crazy you bring that up. I've actually been designing a new site that will be a portal to these kinds of resources. Hmmm, maybe this is the Lord affirming these tinkerings. Thank you so much for this encouragement, Jessica!

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Jun 26Liked by Timothy Willard

Ahhhhhh!!!!! I am SO excited about that!!! I almost didn’t share it because I was worried that would be too invasive or demanding or something! 😂 Well, if you need test families sign us up!

And now I’m mortified that we haven’t seen Dune! ON IT! Our summer weekend viewing! ✅

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Ha! Don't be mortified. :) That's such a fun word to say for some reason. Ha. And, definitely not too invasive. I love hearing that kind of stuff. I want to always be providing the best resources possible for readers and families.

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I do think that you are in a unique position to speak to and help families because of the ways God has orchestrated your own family

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My friend who is a counselor (or was) suggested Inside Out needs a character called Reason. And regarding Shrier's work, it's great. And I say that as one who is working on his masters in counseling.

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